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All of my Class Notes


Where I am from I am from a busy street From large properties and crowded areas I am from a close family (loud, funny It sounds like laughing.) I am from the little tree My backyard Where an imprint lies But not of me I'm from blonde hair and green eyes From 2 sisters and 4 dogs I'm from the jokers and the ones who have fun From the sad times to the happy times Im from the light pink and light gray And plush animals I'm from the inner harbor and bay Old bay and blue crabs From the strong smell of the water The large ships coming in In my closest buried deep Filled with mentos Childhood memories That fade away Those moments Make me up I'll never forget

After Although As








One time she got too close and her bike wheel hit mine causing me to fall off my bike.

Smell: smell of the lake,

Feel: getting warm, stinging, blood running down my leg, pain, throbbing, metal of the bike,

Seeing: red, black, dirt, water, asphalt, road, metal, friends looking back

Hearing: crash, metal hitting the asphalt, me saying ow, waves crashing, please asking if i am ok, scrapping,

Taste: blood,

You can incorporate more about that person's life if there are several people from that one area and highlight things that make them different

1.) Race: I am white (P)

2.) ethnicity: American (P)

3.) biological sex: female (M)

4.) gender identity: female (M)

5.) sexual orientation: straight (IDK)

6.) religion: christian (P)

7.) socio-economic: class (P)

8.) disability: dyslexia, ADHD (M)

9.) first language: english (P)

Rhetorical Appeals:

Pathos: emotion passions, empathy

Ethos: character and ethics and reliability and reputation

Logos: logic and evidence

Kairos: an appeal meaning right place and time



Occasion: why does this need to be writing: well for teachers, understanding people, knowing when to help a loved one

Audience: those who arent dyslexic but also those who are, both need to understand dyslexia, how it comes about,

Purpose: why is this important: always communicating with people and need to work well, weather that is just telling them they don't need to fully know but come to an understanding

Genre: QR code and flyer of like saying you need help scan this

Today we started class with our notecards. Mat had us put our name, date, class number, and had us draw a picture of us running from a snowball for two minutes. We then got into our groups and discussed the articles we read for homework the night before. While in our small groups we answered the questions “Who was our article about,” “Who did our article impact,” and told our classmates a summary about it. Next Mat told us about our upcoming project. While reading about the project we assigned dates. The dates that everyone chose are above on the log. From then we moved on to doing a 5 minute writing assignment. The writing assignment Mat wanted us to do was to write about directions of where our community gathers. By the end of the class Mat asked us if we had any clarifying questions. One thing he clarified was that when posting our notecards on our own blogs, we can either upload them one by one or upload them all at once at the end, it doesn't really matter. The Mat gave us a preview for what we were doing on Tuesday. Mat said that during the Tuesday class we are going to have a workshop and catch up on some work and get feedback from him and our classmates. Homework I think was to write about another scene.


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