The text I read was called "In The Shadow of Young Girls in Flower." This text is narrated by a girl and she is discussing her relationship with her father and major events that happened to her to form who she is today. The theme of the text is about gender roles. She starts off with explaining how her father died and his love for gardening. She soon explores the idea that she wants to be more masculine than her dad wants to be and that he leans to being more feminine. She gives examples like wanting to wear sneaks while her dad is making sure she is wearing barrettes and pearls. She ties in major events like finding a picture of Roy taken by her father while on a vacation, getting denied from a bar for being a lesbian, a camping trip with Bill where she learned how to shoot a gun, and at a diner with her dad and seeing a women dressed like a man and saying she doesn't want to be like that. The girl discovers through these interactions that she desires what Roy and Bill have which is masculinity but that is different from what her father desires about them. During this text she is contrasting how while she is finding out who she is her father is kind of falling and eventually dies.
Analysis of Mentor text B