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PART 1: Where I am from (everything)


pre-writing artifact A place I felt heard at was when I was talking to my college counselor about what college I wanted to go to. When it came to my parents they kind of forced some college visits that they were more interested in that I wasn't. When I told my college counselor after she suggested some schools in my range and everything then I told her what I wanted to look at and the places and things I was interested in. She heard when and did not press on ideas that she had that I didn't like and that was nice. Even Though it seems like of course you will be heard in the college process it's not always like that in a way and she really helped and did research about what I wanted to know more about and advocated for me a lot. She listened to a lot of my ideas, for example when I told her I didn't want too small of a college or going up north or some weird school that wasn't my speed. She actually was a new college counselor so I am happy the old one switched out because I didn't like her as much because I had her for like one meeting revision artifact. Riding my bike around Mackinac Island with Griffin, Audrey, and Caroline after we had just finished a crew dinner. It was about 15- 20 minutes into the ride and Audrey and I were biking close to each other. Griffin was ahead and trying to keep up with Audrey and I had to weave our way through the people riding. When she was trying to speed in front of me she ended up cutting me off and my front bike tire hit her back and I fell. I had horrible deep cuts all over my hands, feet, and knees. Finally my friends stopped and we rinsed it all off in the water but it was still gushing blood but we had to finish the bike ride. By the end blood was all over me and I walked into the store and everyone stared at me. I got bandaids and cleaned myself up.

All of my friends were at our friend Chloe's house before going to dinner. We were all in our nice dresses and had to ride our bikes. Knowing all of us we were late and getting on our bikes in our long dresses. It is always my favorite part when we are going to dinner all dressed up and you just see a bunch of girls riding their bikes in a huge clump trying to not bump into each other while talking.

It was pouring down rain the worst I had ever seen it. I ran to get into the car and the lady was sitting in the front seat. She instructed me on what I should be doing and I did what I was told. We first went into the close course, I passed that, now moving onto the open course. I was so nervous. During the test they drove us past the firehouse and with my luck a fire truck with sirens started coming out. I panicked and questioned myself so I slowed down a little and moved to the side but it wasn't really full. The lady yelled at me “You better come to a full stop before I fail you.” Based on that I was freaking out. Luckily I passed and was so happy but it was so scary her yelling at me. At my best friend's house in 10 grade we had just eaten too much pizza and were now messing around in her basement. I was feeling huge and summer was just around the corner. As a joke we decided to get on the treadmill with no shoes and see if we could run together and how fast. We were on it and then my friend got off and we were turning up the speed to see how fast I could run. Before I knew it I fell down and got shot back on the treadmill. Some of the worst cuts I had and bleeding all over. It took months for them to heal.

My parents took me out to dinner when I was in fourth grade, just me none of my siblings came. I had chosen sushi and didn't really think about why I was the only one who had gotten taken out to dinner. Soon my parents got all serious and told me that the tests I had just taken told them that I had dyslexia and severe ADD. They talked about me switching schools and I was so confused about what was happening. I started balling my eyes out in front of the restaurant and lots of people stared at me. I don't know why my parents decided to tell me that in public when they told me I had to switch schools and that I learned differently than others.

I was playing mixed doubles with my partner Jordan for our junior team tennis team. This was our last match and if we won it we would move onto nationals. The people we were playing were so obnoxious, loud, and poor sportsmanship but were also our toughest match. It was so close and kept going back and forth and while they were getting upset Jordan and I kept steady. Finally it was match point for us and the boy who was the rudest of them both hit the ball out. I was really happy and proud of myself at that moment. My whole team came running down to the courts and we all celebrated while our opponents were so upset and started to throw fits. Peer response artifact In class when we had a workshop day I had one of my peers look over my projects and this is basically a summary of the comments they said. I thought a lot of your stories were very interesting and lighthearted. I also liked the mix of how some were just good memories while others were ones that had a more important meaning and life lesson to them. Before I read them we talked about your third project. I thought it was nice to show the continuity through your projects. You mention one of your stories as when you found out you were dyslexic and I liked how through your projects you continued to mention that and finally made your third project fully about it. Things that I would improve would be some grammatical things that I mentioned to you as suggestions. I would add some more details so we really get the feel. Overall I think that if you fix and clean up the stories it will be very good. Mentor response artifact I gave an older person my stories to read and a summary of the comments of what they said after reading it. When giving me some background on what this project was all about I thought you did a good job of picking out what stories expressed you the best. Great detail and they were very fun to read. They expressed the idea of a mentor text well.


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Part Two: Where I am (everything)

pre-writing artifact A place I felt heard at was when I was talking to my college counselor about what college I wanted to go to. When it...


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